【心得】宣导 – 与欧美玩家交互时的重要注意事项 (Steam/NA/国际)

Hiya Baker, I’m sorry to say that we decided that you are not a good fit for the alliance. Unfortunately, you’ve made a couple of comments that have come off the wrong way both in discord and in the alliance chat, and some topics you’ve brought up are things we’re forbidden from speaking about
Feel free to message me about this matter, but we’re thinking of the interests of the alliance and thought that our alliance is not a good fit for you

Baker.JL今天 12:04
Sorry, can you tell me what rules did I broke?

XXX今天 12:05
You mentioned rape in one of your messages, which I deleted right away because our server has over 200 people in it, and it’s not the right place to talk about stuff like that
Not to mention a couple of people have said to me that they got random friend requests and messages from you (eg the Kudos thing in the game)
They don’t know you and it threw them off the wrong way
All of that mixed together just made us decide that you weren’t a good fit for the alliance – we think it’s concerning if someone raises that many red flags in a short amount of time

Baker.JL今天 12:09
friend request? I never send any invite except Steam friends, and I don’t know Kudos would offend people…
But it’s ok, hope you guys doing well.

XXX今天 12:09
Well again, that alone wouldn’t have been an issue if you didn’t mention anything about rape

Baker.JL今天 12:10
Agreed, I shouldn’t said that.

XXX今天 12:10
That’s fine, again we just think that it wasn’t a good fit – if people start raising concerns it’s our job to listen to the alliance

Baker.JL今天 12:10
I understand.
So… It will offend people by sending them Kudos in game?

XXX今天 12:12
No, what is strange is that you send random people who don’t know you kudos in game without getting to know them first. That, and the fact you mass friended everyone on steam + the fact you mentioned something about rape + the fact you often wrote messages and deleted them out of nowhere is strange to us
It’s not one thing, it’s all of those things combined

Baker.JL今天 12:14
Ok, the delete is because I think maybe I said something not appropriate, sorry to confuse you.
I won’t bothering you again, thanks.

XXX今天 12:15
I understand that, but you didn’t delete the rape message, which is why it was more concerning to us
And if you read the first rule we say not to talk about things that are harmful to others – topics like that are harmful

Baker.JL今天 12:16
Sorry, I don’t know that counts as harmful term.

XXX今天 12:16
Of course. That’s understandable – it may just be a cultural difference

Baker.JL今天 12:16

XXX今天 12:16

We have a lot of girls in the alliance, myself included, so it put a lot of us off

Baker.JL今天 12:17

XXX今天 12:17
Of course, don’t worry – again, sorry about the alliance not working out. I just wanted to clarify the situation so you weren’t confused

Baker.JL今天 12:18
Thanks for answering, I’ll be more careful when interacting with other players.

XXX今天 12:18
Ofc ofc – I wish you luck on your future endeavors! Just be careful when it comes to terms like that
Anything that is a racial slur, or references misogyny, or talks about Hitler are all things you should generally avoid mentioning online

Baker.JL今天 12:19
wow, that’s a big culture difference

XXX今天 12:20
Ofc, good luck

  • 千万不要提及种族歧视/暴力/仇女等话题 (我的情况是提到 Rape [强暴])
  • 不要随便留 Good Job 给不熟的玩家